Autós Africa - Afrika térkép ITM 2008 7 350,00 Ft Africa is a huge continent. No one apart from us has successfully prepared a digital data base for the entire continent and this edition includes numerous updates to road information and shifting political realities. We have updated roads whenever reliable data indicates improvements, such as connections between the southern tip of Morocco and the road... Kosárba
Autós Africa West Route Travel Atlas: Tangier to Cape Town - Afrikán át: Tangertől Fokvárosig... ITM 1945 8 950,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 3 400 000 There are three possible routes to traverse Africa top to bottom. Kosárba
Autós Africa east coast - Afrika keleti partvidéke térkép ITM 90234 6 950,00 Ft Tudomásom szerint még soha nem volt olyan térkép, amely Afrika Indiai-óceán menti részének teljes partvonalát lefedte volna, Dzsibutitól egészen délre, a dél-afrikai Port Elizabeth-ig - egészen mostanáig! Ez a kétoldalas térkép egy hatalmas régiót ölel fel, beleértve Dzsibuti, Szomália, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzánia, Ruanda, Burundi, Mozambik, Malawi, Zimbabwe,... Kosárba
Autós Alaska - Alaszka térkép ITM 90180 7 350,00 Ft Alaska is a great favorite of ours. It is one of the last of the 'wide open spaces' left in the world and is relatively easy to reach by land. Sparsely populated, the land seems to spawn huge visions of future growth, such as the Trans-Alaska Highway, but actual change is slow. This is new edition, has little information, simply because the previous... Kosárba
Túra Arizona & New Mexico térkép ITM 90227 6 990,00 Ft Az ITMB örömmel jelenti be a frissített Arizona és Új-Mexikó térképek megjelenését, amelyeket kétoldalas formátumban nyomtattunk, mindkét államnak külön oldala van. Ez a változat két külön borítót tartalmaz, államonként egyet-egyet a marketinglehetőségek javítása érdekében, valamint két Top Attractions listát, államonként egyet-egyet. Az arizonai oldal... Kosárba
Sétáló Armenia & Azerbaijan - Örményország és Azerbajdzsán térkép ITM 90265 6 450,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 430 000 It is unfortunate that these two neighbouring countries dislike each other so much, because both are lovely countries to visit. Due to the way the two became separate political entities, both have enclaves surrounded by the other and it is impossible to map one without mapping both (unless one wipes out roads leading through the... Kosárba
Autós Bahamas - Bahamák térkép ITM 92894 7 350,00 Ft This fifth edition of our popular travel map to the many Bahamian islands shows a wealth of accommodations, beaches, and points of interest. Inset maps of Nasau and Freeport detail the two largest cities, and a special inset of New Providence Island, the most popular tourist destination, shows resorts and attractions that make this island so popular. As... Kosárba
Térképek és atlaszok Barbados & Saint Lucia térkép ITM 90937 5 990,00 Ft Barbados and St. Lucia are adjacent Caribbean islands and are touristically important in their own rights, but are also frequently visited on the same cruise trip by a variety of cruise ship lines. Saint Lucia fills side 1 as one opens the map, with a comprehensive inset map of Castries, the capital. The interior of the mountainous island is mostly a rain... Kosárba
Autós Benin - Togo - Lomé - Porto Novo térkép ITM 1989 6 950,00 Ft The two small countries squeezed between Ghana on the west and Nigeria on the east developed out of the European colonialization of most of Africa Germany, under Kaiser Bill, was determined to create an empire to rival that of Britain, and seized a portion of the coastline close to the British-held area of Ghana and held on to it until WW1 ended Germany’s... Kosárba
Autós Botswana & Zimbabwe térkép ITM 1995 6 350,00 Ft 7th Edition 1:1,600,000/11:1,000,000 on waterproof stone paper Both Botswana and its neighbour, Zimbabwe, form a common entity and a British heritage in Central Southern Africa, but there the resemblance ends. The Bechuana formed an alliance of sorts with the Pritish to protect them from the Boers in the then-nearby Transvaal. Upon a peaceful transition... Kosárba
Autós Bulgária térkép ITM 290982 5 750,00 Ft We spent a week in Bulgaria in 2019, driving the roads, staying in towns around the country, and visiting attractions. The result of all this effort was to update our data for a new map of Bulgaria. This is a country that has been transformed by its entry into the European Union. Touristically, the country has benefitted by new investments in resort... Kosárba
Autós Canada western - Nyugat-Kanada térkép ITM 91606 6 450,00 Ft kétoldalas térkép 1 : 2 000 000 Kosárba
Sétáló Caucasus - Kaukázus térkép ITM 92054 5 950,00 Ft The region we call the Caucasus consists of Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan squeezed between the Black Sea south of Russia and north of Turkey, east to the Caspian Sea. It is a very interesting part of the world, but politically troubled. The Georgians are European by history and culture, but is counted as being part of Asia because it falls on the... Kosárba
Autós Central America - Közép-Amerika térkép ITM 1859 5 200,00 Ft There are relatively few changes to this edition. At this scale, there would have to be a new canal across Nicaragua or some such mega-project to even show on the map. The map is double-sided, with one side concentrating on Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras, with inset maps of Belize City and the environs of Guatemala City, and the other side focusing on... Kosárba
Autós Central Europe - Közép-Európa térkép ITM 91729 5 200,00 Ft Európa meglehetősen nagy, és sűrűn lakott. Egy egész Európát ábrázoló térkép hasznos, de olyan méretarányban, amely korlátozza az információk megjelenítésének lehetőségét. Ennek eredményeképpen tavaly közzétettük Nyugat-Európa térképét. Most örömmel bővítjük a kontinens részletesebb lefedettségét egy olyan térképpel, amely a közép-európai országokat... Kosárba
Autós China - Kína térkép ITM 91750 6 850,00 Ft This edition is printed on waterproof, tear-resistant paper, and has a new cover picture showing a portion of the Great Wall. A cursory glance at the map will show an incredible number of motorways. We still show some as being under construction, but updating the road network is now essentially completed. The amazing rapid rail network is now also... Kosárba
Autós Colombia - Kolumbia térkép ITM 1934 5 200,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 1 300 000 5th Edition (2018) Colombia is developing into one of the best touristic destinations in South America. It is easy to reach from North America and has invested heavily as a country in promoting tourism. We have been in the country twice since the last edition of our map was published, so this edition benefits from a wealth of... Kosárba
Térképek és atlaszok Crete - Mykonos and Santorini - Kréta - Mikonosz - Szantorini térkép ITM 91828 6 650,00 Ft The many islands off the coast of Greece can only be mapped properly a few at a time. Side 1 of this map shows the large island of Crete in good detail, with the relatively nearby island of Mykonos and its adjacent island of Rinia and the island of Santorini, with its adjacent islands of Thirasia and Nea Kameni being shown in great detail. A locality map... Kosárba
Autós Croatia - Horvátország térkép - vízálló ITM 91682 6 150,00 Ft Croatia is sort of in the EU, in that it is a member of NATO and has been accepted by the other members. However, it is not fully accepted, which is why there are still border checks with the two EU fellow members bordering Croatia, although these seemed to me to be mere formality. The country is benefitting from its association with the EU, and twenty... Kosárba
Észak- és Közép-Amerika Dominica & Guadeloupe - Dominikai Közösség - Guadeloupe térkép ITM 93181 5 200,00 Ft melléktérkép: Roseau, Pointe-A-Pitre Kosárba
Autós Dominican Republic - Dominikai Köztársaság - Haiti térkép ITM 11741 5 450,00 Ft We spent a week on the lovely island of Hispaniola, home to the Dominican Republic and Haiti, last December. We spent several days driving the highways, checking our information and this new edition is the result. Frankly, we were surprised how accurate the digital artwork was (and is); this is the first time that we have been able to ground-truth a map... Kosárba
Autós Dubrovnik - Croatian coast cruise - Horvát tengerpart térkép - vízálló ITM 92320 5 950,00 Ft The ancient port city of Dubrovnik, on the southern Croatian coastline, has evolved into a major tourist destination. The old walled city, normally entered through the famous Pile Gate, was so crowded with tourists when we arrived, that it took sometime to get to the main street of Stradun. The city has completely recovered from the Montenegrin bombing... Kosárba
Autós Eastern Europe - Kelet-Európa térkép ITM 92641 5 200,00 Ft Az ITMB örömmel jelenti be az Európára kiterjedő végleges regionális térképet, amely megnövelt méretarányban készült. Lehet, hogy Európa Kanadához képest kicsi, de sűrűn lakott, és nehéz kontinensként feltérképezni úgy, hogy közben részletességgel ábrázoljuk. Kelet-Európát a hidegháború idején a vasfüggöny mögötti területként definiálták, de ma már... Kosárba
Autós Egypt & Cairo - Egyiptom és Kairó térkép ITM 92658 7 550,00 Ft 2. kiadás A néhány évvel ezelőtti úgynevezett arab tavaszt követően Észak-Afrikában nagy volt a felfordulás. Egyiptomban megtörtént a kormány megdöntése, egy radikális vallási orientációjú kormány leváltása, egy radikális vallási orientációjú kormány leváltása, egy radikális vallási orientációjú kormány leváltása és a katonai kormányzás beiktatása. A... Kosárba
Autós England North & Central - Anglia észak és közép térkép ITM 92634 6 750,00 Ft This is a new title for ITMB, and continues our expanded coverage of the United Kingdom. Many publishers carry a map of Great Britain (or of the UK), and a few might have one just for England and Wales. We travel extensively through Britain and usually find such maps too generalized for usability. All parts of the UK seem to be blessed with interesting... Kosárba
Autós England SE & Midlands - Anglia délkelet térkép ITM 92672 6 750,00 Ft The shape of the UK makes it difficult to map logically. The term South East, within crowded England, is generally more restrictive than is appropriate for a map. Our definition of SE is from the English Channel north to the northern tip of East Anglia and west to Portsmouth/Reading/Peterborough. This occupies side one of the sheet. Side two consists of... Kosárba
-10% Autós Europe railway & road - Európa vasúti- és autótérképe ITM 7268 4 275,00 Ft 4 750,00 Ft Our Europe Rail Map has proven to be a best seller, so obviously meets a market demand. This most recent edition updates recent completions of the new 'fast train' network that is gradually transforming transportation of passengers in Europe. Much of this will consist of extensions to line already in place. We have included the east-west link through... Kosárba
Autós Florence - Italy Northeast - Firenze - Északkelet-Olaszország térkép - vízálló ITM 28702 6 650,00 Ft Florence, or Firenze in Italian, is one of the most fascinating cities on earth. It is a treasure trove of museums, statues, plazas, narrow streets, and expensive stores. Lan and I spent a week here last December, representing Canada at an international convention. We had our artwork ready to go to press, but we wanted one last opportunity to check our... Kosárba
Autós France Atlantic Coast Rail & Bike - Franciaország atlanti-óceáni partvidéke kerékpáros... ITM 92887 5 990,00 Ft France is a rather large country, and while it can be portrayed on a map as a country, mapping it in segments provides an opportunity to concentrate on regions at a better scale. This map, covering the coastal region of France from the Cotenin Peninsula south to the Spanish border and east as far as Paris and Montpellier in Languedoc is the first of what... Kosárba
Autós France South Rail & Bike - Franciaország dél vasúti és kerékpáros térkép - vízálló ITM 292849 5 200,00 Ft Kosárba
Autós Frankfurt - Central Germany - Közép-Németország térkép ITM 92894 6 650,00 Ft The historic city of Frankfurt started as a Roman city. The Romer (Roman, in English) central old town was the Roman encampment, and the current market square was the forum. We have been to Frankfurt many times, thanks to the annual book fair that is held there, and have long wanted to add the city to our range of European titles. Covid provided time to... Kosárba
Sétáló Galapagos Islands - Quito - Guayaquil - Galapagos-szigetek térkép ITM 93204 5 990,00 Ft The Galapagos archipelago is a little difficult to reach, in that all flights must originate in Ecuador, necessitating adding maps for both Quito and Guayaquil to this map of the islands as those are the two cities flights leave from to reach the access airport on one of the islands. Naturally, visitors go for one reason – to see exotic wildlife in a... Kosárba
Autós Georgia & Armenia - Grúzia és Örményország autótérkép ITM 2484 6 990,00 Ft Méretarány: 1 : 430 000 Melléktérkép: Tbilisi, Yerevan Kosárba
Autós Georgia & Tbilisi - Grúzia és Tbiliszi autótérkép ITM 98018 6 990,00 Ft Grúzia, az ország és nem az amerikai állam, egy nagyon szép, de veszélyeztetett, nagy történelmi jelentőségű ország. Nyugaton a Fekete-tenger, északon Oroszország, keleten Azerbajdzsán határolja, nyugaton pedig Törökországgal van egy bizonytalan határ, a grúzoknak fürgének kell lenniük, hogy megőrizzék függetlenségüket. Grúzia csak a szomszédos... Kosárba
Térképek és atlaszok Ghent - Brussels and Flanders - Ghent - Brüsszel - Flandria térkép ITM 93242 7 550,00 Ft Ghent is one of the most historic cities in Europe. A city of canals, it became wealthy during the Middle Ages by controlling the production of cloth over several centuries. It is full of historic buildings and desperately needs a map or one becomes lost in the narrow streets that fill the ancient city centre. However, Ghent is not all that big so we have... Kosárba
Túra Grand Canyon & Arizona térkép - vízálló ITM 93211 7 550,00 Ft 0This is a double-sided map, with a very good map of the State of Arizona on one side and an excellent exploratory map of the Grand Canyon on the other. The map can be marketed equally well as a State map or as a recreational/touristic map. Needless to say, the deep canyons carved by the Colorado River over millennia have created one of the great natural... Kosárba
Autós Greenland & North Pole - Grönland és az Északi-Sark térkép ITM 93228 6 650,00 Ft Greenland is indeed a fascinating place to visit. Granted, much of it consists of inaccessible Icefields that, if they melted, would detrimentally raise ocean levels to catastrophic levels. The coastal regions are, however, inhabited, and it is possible to fly in or take an adventuresome cruise with Linblad and visit the giant island. Three-quarters of... Kosárba
Sétáló Guangzhou & China south - Guangzhou és Dél-Kína ITM 3184 5 200,00 Ft Méretarány: 15 000 / 3 000 000 Shamian is., Shanghai, Hong Kong Kosárba
Akció! -10% Autós Himalaya & Everest - Himalája térkép ITM 92689 5 850,00 Ft 6 500,00 Ft This is a lovely double-sided map with two attractive covers, so can be displayed either as Everest or Himalaya. The Everest side covers the mountain itself, with base camps and accommodations clearly shown. There are actually several interesting trails one could explore and all the shown; only one leads to the summit. The reserve side shows the entire... Kosárba
Autós Ho Chi Minh City & Vietnam south - Ho Si Minh-város (Saigon) és Dél-Vietnam térkép - ITM ITM 319 5 200,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 13 000 / 1 : 920 000 Kosárba
Autós Iceland - Izland térkép ITM 6000 5 975,00 Ft Iceland is not only a lovely country to visit, it is one of our most popular titles. This is a relatively minor updating, designed to keep our artwork fresh and up to date. We have retained the cover picture of the geyser that gave its name to all naturally occurring fountains of water that explode out of bedrock at regular intervals, as it so perfectly... Kosárba
Autós Iceland southwest & Reykjavík- Délnyugat-Izland és Reykjavik térkép ITM 5805 5 790,00 Ft We are pleased to announce a brand new title for ITMB. Reykjavik is the capital of Iceland and is an interesting city in its own right. We have placed it on one side of the sheet and it looks very good. It includes the international airport (the port of entry for almost everyone visiting Iceland) and includes a good range of hotels, which is very... Kosárba
Autós India térkép ITM 93631 6 500,00 Ft India hatalmas ország, és egyre nagyobb turisztikai jelentőséggel bír. Az ország egy részét 2018-ban meglátogattuk, és ennek köszönhetően jobban megértettük az ország jellegét. India Kínához hasonlóan modernizálódik, de a modern szolgáltatások nyújtása terén jelentős lemaradásban van. A légi hálózat azonban kiváló, ahogy a vonatközlekedés is, az úthálózat... Kosárba
Sétáló Ireland - Írország- Dublin & Belfast térkép ITM 5291 5 200,00 Ft 1:550.000 / 12.500 Our approach has been to combine the island on one side with detailed city maps of Belfast and Dublin on the reverse side. The island of Eire is divided into two parts: Ulster, or Northern Ireland being part of the United Kingdom (Britain) and the larger southern portion forming the independent Republic of Ireland. Both portions have... Kosárba