Útikönyvek Atlantic Canada - Kanada keleti partja - útikönyv - Green Guide Michelin 2549 6 150,00 Ft Expand your holiday horizons with Michelin Green Guide Atlantic Canada. The natural beauty,rich traditions and activities of Canada’s eastern maritime provinces are featured in this travel guide to Canada. Whether you’re looking for great places to go kayaking, fishing, whale watching, curling and even Highland dancing, Green Guide Atlantic Canada will... Kosárba
Sétáló Bangkok belváros laminált térkép Michelin 1213 6 950,00 Ft Méretarány: 1 : 15 000 / 110 000 Discover Bangkok by foot, car or bike using Michelin Bangkok City Plan (scale 1/15,000 cm). In addition to Michelin's clear and accurate mapping, this city plan will help you explore and navigate across Bangkok different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist... Kosárba
Autós Bretagne lakókocsival térkép - Bretagne aires camping-cars Michelin 202 6 150,00 Ft More than 1000 Free Motorhome Stopovers : Free Services Points and Free Parking Locations of Free Motorhome Stopovers on the road map color-coded for quick readability Index of Free Aires : - Listing ranked by department and filed alphabetically by city - Number and name of the department - Town name - Postal Code - Full address... Kosárba
Útikönyvek Edinburgh I-Spy Michelin 1130 1 200,00 Ft Explore Edinburgh with I-Spy. This I-Spy guide is perfect for a family day-out in Edinburgh and includes all the fun and historic attractions the city has to offer. There are plenty to see and activities to do in and near the city from Edinburgh Castle and Scottish parliament to the Zoo, the Edinburgh Dungeon and Festivals. Arranged in colour-coded... Kosárba
Útikönyvek Florida Must Sees Michelin 6928 4 000,00 Ft Must Sees Florida is your perfect travel companion to hit the region's highlights for a 24 hour visit, a weekend of longer. Visit the Disney, SeaWorld and Universal theme parks, or discover historic St Augustine or sunny St Petersburg. Explore Miami downtown boutiques, swim with manatees in the Crystal River, and find Cuban nightlife in Tampa's Ybor... Kosárba
Útikönyvek France most famous places Must Sees -Franciaország nevezetes helyei Michelin 5852 4 000,00 Ft Michelin Must Sees France 10 Most Famous Places presents the ten most important, not-to-be-missed cities and regions of France for a memorable trip even when time is limited. Renowned Paris and Provence head up this essential short list, along with Normandy and Brittany, the French Alps, and the Châteaux of the Loire, just to name a few. This... Kosárba
Sétáló Istanbul - Isztambul térkép Michelin 48199 6 350,00 Ft Discover Istanbul by foot, car or bike using Michelin Istanbul City Plan (scale 1/12,500 cm). In addition to Michelin's clear and accurate mapping, this city plan will help you explore and navigate across Istanbul different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist attractions, as well as practical... Kosárba
Útikönyvek Italy: most famous places Must Sees - Olaszország leghíresebb helyei Michelin 2228 4 000,00 Ft Michelin Must Sees Italy 10 Most Famous Places presents the ten most essential, not-to-be-missed cities and regions of Italy for a memorable trip even when time is limited. Renowned Rome and Venice head up this short list, along with Milan and the Italian Lakes, Tuscany and the Amalfi Coast, just to name a few. This pocket-size guide helps you do... Kosárba
Útikönyvek Lake Balaton - Balaton - Budapest útikönyv - Short-stays Michelin 43309 4 250,00 Ft Lake Balaton is a freshwater lake in western Hungary. A major holiday destination with beaches, volcanic hills, resort towns and high-rise hotels along its 197km shoreline. The hilly north shore is a wine-growing region, with protected wetlands and hiking trails at Balaton Uplands National Park. The town of Veszprem has a walled Castle district, and... Kosárba
Útikönyvek Languedoc útikönyv (Guide Vert) Michelin 2649 4 600,00 Ft Des informations pratiques et culturelles sur la région Languedoc-Roussillon, de Montpellier à Andorre en passant par le pays cévenol, des itinéraires de découverte, des sites touristiques classés par niveau d'intérêt, des adresses de restaurants, hôtels et boutiques, des activités à faire en famille. Kosárba
Autós MN 0460 Espagne/Spanje & Portugal 2023 - Atlas Rutier & Touristique (A4-Spiral) -... Michelin 57191 11 250,00 Ft Michelin Spain & Portugal tourist and motoring Atlas is the perfect companion for a safe and enjoyable drive. Convenient and easy to use thanks to its spiral bound cover, the Michelin Spain and Portugal atlas will provide you with precise and reliable information with its annually updated mapping scaled 1/400 000 (1 cm = 4 km) and safety alerts. The... Kosárba
Sétáló MN 10 Washington D.C. térkép Michelin 8617 2 900,00 Ft Renowned for over 100 years for their clear, accurate and easy-to-read mapping, Michelin country maps give travelers an overall picture of their route, with practical road and travel information; and city maps containing extensive street indexes orient them quickly so they can find their way to their destination. Kosárba
Sétáló MN 21 Venezia - Velence térkép Michelin 2137 2 900,00 Ft Discover Venice by foot, car or bike using Michelin Venice City Plan (scale 1/6,000 cm). In addition to Michelin's clear and accurate mapping, this city plan will help you explore and navigate across Venice's different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist attractions, as well as practical... Kosárba
Sétáló MN 25 Firenze térkép Michelin 2617 2 900,00 Ft Discover Florence by foot, car or bike using Michelin Firenze City Plan (scale 1/10,000 cm). In addition to Michelin's clear and accurate mapping, this city plan will help you explore and navigate across Florence's different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist attractions, as well as practical... Kosárba
Sétáló MN 31 Lyon térkép Michelin 6989 2 900,00 Ft Discover Lyon by foot, car or bike using Michelin Lyon City Plan (scale 1/10,000 cm). In addition to Michelin's clear and accurate mapping, this city plan will help you explore and navigate across Lyon's different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist attractions, as well as practical information... Kosárba
Akció! Sétáló MN 36 Amszterdam térkép - Amsterdam Michelin 8438 2 900,00 Ft Discover Amsterdam by foot, car or bike using Michelin Amsterdam City Plan (scale 1/12,500 cm). In addition to Michelin's clear and accurate mapping, this city plan will help you explore and navigate across Amsterdam's different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist attractions, as well as... Kosárba
Sétáló MN 38 Róma térkép - Roma Michelin 1155 2 900,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 10 500 Rome street map includes a booklet and folded map in one single product. The booklet contains a complete street plan and index showing main through-routes, one-way streets, car parks, public buildings and post offices. Its wide geographic coverage covers all Rome neighborhoods . Legend with symbols and abbreviations in 6... Kosárba
Sétáló MN 39 Lisboa - Lisszabon térkép Michelin 8622 4 200,00 Ft Discover Lisbon by foot, car or bike using Michelin Lisbon City Plan (scale 1/11,000 cm). In addition to Michelin's clear and accurate mapping, this city plan will help you explore and navigate across Lisbon's different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist attractions, as well as practical... Kosárba
Autós MN 42 Madrid térkép Michelin 9849 2 900,00 Ft 1:12 000 Madrid street map includes a booklet and folded map in one single product. The booklet contains a complete street plan and index showing main through-routes, one-way streets, car parks, public buildings and post offices. Its wide geographic coverage covers all Madrid neighborhoods. Legend with symbols and abbreviations in 6 languages. Separate... Kosárba
Sétáló MN 44 Brussels - Brüsszel térkép Michelin 28894 4 950,00 Ft Discover Brussels by foot, car or bike using Michelin Brussels City Plan (scale 1/17,500 cm). In addition to Michelin's clear and accurate mapping, this city plan will help you explore and navigate across Brussels' different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist attractions, as well as practical... Kosárba
Sétáló MN 44 Brüsszel térkép - Bruxelles Michelin 332 2 900,00 Ft Méretarány 1:17 500 Map of Brussels of scale 1: 17,500, in which appear: main roads, unique directions, the main car parks, the most important public buildings, post offices, a complete street map and some practical information. Kosárba
Sétáló MN 46 Milánó térkép - Milano Michelin 2580 2 900,00 Ft Milan street map includes a booklet and folded map in one single product. The booklet contains a complete street plan and index showing main through-routes, one-way streets, car parks, public buildings and post offices. Its wide geographic coverage covers all Milan neighborhoods. Legend with symbols and abbreviations in 6 languages. Separate index. Kosárba
Kerékpáros MN 52 Párizs várostérkép - Paris Michelin 9094 2 000,00 Ft Discover Paris by foot, car or bike using Michelin Paris City Plan (with Street index, scale 1/20,000 cm). In addition to Michelin's clear and accurate mapping, this city plan will help you explore and navigate across Paris' different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist attractions, as well as... Kosárba
Sétáló MN 54 Paris - Párizs térkép Michelin 2612 5 950,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 10 000 Discover Paris by foot, car or bike using Michelin Paris Plan City Plan (scale 1/10,000 cm). In addition to Michelin's clear and accurate mapping, this city plan will help you explore and navigate across Paris' different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist attractions, as... Kosárba
Sétáló MN 55 Párizs térkép - Paris Michelin 9349 2 900,00 Ft Discover Paris by foot, car or bike using Michelin Paris City Plan (with Street index, scale 1/10,000 cm). In addition to Michelin?Æ's clear and accurate mapping, this city plan will help you explore and navigate across Paris' different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist attractions, as well as... Kosárba
Sétáló MN 72 Valladolid várostérkép Michelin 855 2 900,00 Ft Discover Valladodid by foot, car or bike using Michelin Valladodid City Plan (scale 1/10,000). In addition to Michelin'?Æs clear and accurate mapping, this city plan will help you explore and navigate across Valladodid?Æ's different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist attractions, as well as... Kosárba
Akció! Sétáló MN 74 Sevilla térkép Michelin 2600 2 900,00 Ft Discover Sevilla by foot, car or bike using Michelin Sevilla City Plan (scale 1/10,000 cm). In addition to Michelin's clear and accurate mapping, this city plan will help you explore and navigate across Sevilla's different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist attractions, as well as practical... Kosárba
Sétáló MN 74 Sevilla térkép - 2019 Michelin 2600 4 850,00 Ft Discover Sevilla by foot, car or bike using Michelin Sevilla City Plan (scale 1/10,000 cm). In addition to Michelin's clear and accurate mapping, this city plan will help you explore and navigate across Sevilla's different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist attractions, as well as practical... Kosárba
Sétáló MN 75 Zaragoza térkép Michelin 2601 2 900,00 Ft Mapa turístico callejero, de la ciudad de Zaragoza, de escala 1:11.000. Incluye informaciones prácticas para recorrer los barrios de la ciudad a pie, en coche o en bicicleta, como también datos sobre el transportes, sentidos de circulación, parkings y un anexo con el índice de todas las calles. Kosárba
Sétáló MN 77 Bilbao térkép Michelin 2602 4 850,00 Ft Michelin City Plans come in practical formats, paper, laminated and accordian folds. Suited for tourist use and with clear precise mapping. Starting at 1/8000 scale and upwards Kosárba
Sétáló MN 78 Palma de Mallorca térkép Michelin 2603 2 900,00 Ft Discover Palma de Mallorca by foot, car or bike using Michelin Palma de Mallorca City Plan (scale 1/10,000 cm). In addition to Michelin's clear and accurate mapping, this city plan will help you explore and navigate across Palma de Mallorca's different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist... Kosárba
Sétáló MN 82 A Coruna térkép Michelin 2605 2 900,00 Ft Discover La Coruna by foot, car or bike using Michelin La Coruna City Plan (scale 1/7,000. In addition to Michelin's clear and accurate mapping, the Michelin city plan will help you explore and navigate across La Coruna's different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist attractions, as well as... Kosárba
Autós MN 85 Porto térkép Michelin 8717 4 850,00 Ft Discover Porto by foot, car or bike using Michelin Porto City Plan (scale 1/11,000). In addition to Michelin's clear and accurate mapping, this city plan will help you explore and navigate across Porto's different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist attractions, as well as practical information... Kosárba
Sétáló MN 89 Santander térkép Michelin 2606 2 900,00 Ft This street plan of Santander provides essential information for navigating and visiting the city, including car parks and one-way streets. It also contains practical information ranging from places of interest to entertainment and shopping. Kosárba
Sétáló MN 91 Girona - Gerona City Plan Michelin 1156 4 850,00 Ft Discover Girona by foot, car or bike using Michelin Girona City Plan (scale 1/9,000 cm). In addition to Michelin?Æ's clear and accurate mapping, this city plan will help you explore and navigate across Girona'?Æs different districts thanks to its full index, its comprehensive key showing places of interest and tourist attractions, as well as... Kosárba
Autós MN 92 Cádiz térkép Michelin 7038 4 850,00 Ft M 1 : 6 000 Encuentre todas las informaciones prácticas para recorrer Cádiz a pie, en coche oen bicicleta. El plano MICHELIN Cádiz, a escala 1/6 000 (1cm = 60m), es ideal para recorrer los barrios de la ciudad. Para completar la información incluye transportes, sentidos de circulación, localización de monumentos, así como un anexo con el índice de... Kosárba
Akció! -50% Autós MN 101 ZOOM Párizs környéke térkép 50 km-es körzet - Outskirts of Paris Michelin 8674 2 425,00 Ft 4 850,00 Ft CERGY-PONTOISE POISSY NANTERRE VERSAILLES EVRY CRETEIL BOBIGNY PARIS-ORLY PARIS-CH-DE-GAULLE --- Párizs 50 km-es körzete; alternatív és egyirányú útvonalak a város elkerülésére illetve megközelítésére. Ennek a Michelin nagy méretarányú térképsorozatnak célja, hogy segítse az utazót hogy vezessen keresztül a nagyvárosi területeken. Kosárba
Akció! -50% Autós MN 102 Battle of Normandy - Normandiai csata térkép Michelin 8834 1 450,00 Ft 2 900,00 Ft Historic WWII reproduction map. A detailed map of Normandy at a scale of 1:200,000 showing the main sites of the summer 1944 battle. This map is an antique-feeling reproduction of the map originally published by Michelin in 1947. The main map includes place names and features special icons denoting battle dates and parachute drops, as well as an inset... Kosárba
Akció! Autós MN 103 Battle of Provance térkép - Provence-i csata Michelin 6594 2 900,00 Ft Historic WWII reproduction map. A detailed map of Normandy at a scale of 1:200,000 showing the main sites of the summer 1944 battle. This map is an antique-feeling reproduction of the map originally published by Michelin in 1947. The main map includes place names and features special icons denoting battle dates and parachute drops, as well as an inset... Kosárba
Akció! -1 900,00 Ft Autós MN 106 ZOOM Environs of Paris - Párizs környéke térkép - 100 km-es körzet Michelin 8683 1 000,00 Ft 2 900,00 Ft PONTOISE MONTES-LA-JOLIE SENLIS COLLOMIERS MELUN COMPIÉGNE FONTAINEBLEAU EVRY ETAMPES CHARTRES RAMBUILLET DREUX VERSAILLES VERNON Párizs 100 km-es körzete- bemutatja az alternatív és egyirányú útvonalakat a város elkerülésére illetve megközelítésére. Kosárba
Akció! -1 400,00 Ft Autós MN 110 ZOOM Environs Lyon - Lyon környéke autótérkép Michelin 8685 1 500,00 Ft 2 900,00 Ft Ennek a Michelin nagy méretarányú térképsorozatnak célja, hogy segítse az utazót hogy vezessen keresztül a nagyvárosi területeken, jelölve az egyirányú utakat is. Ez a térkép ábrázolja Lyon 60 km-es körzetét, bemutatva az alternatív útvonalakat a város elkerülésére illetve megközelítésére. Kosárba
Akció! -1 400,00 Ft Autós MN 112 ZOOM Rhone Valley - Rhone völgye autótérkép Michelin 8684 1 500,00 Ft 2 900,00 Ft ST-ETIENNE VIENNE ANNONAY TOUMON-SUR-RHONE VALENCE MONTELIMAR PONT-ST-ESPRIT ORANGE AVIGNON NIMES ARLES MARTIGUES Külön 1:100000 méretarányú térképkivágaton MARSEILLE és LYON környékét is bemutatja. Kosárba
Autós MN 113 ZOOM Provence - Camargue térkép Michelin 6998 2 900,00 Ft MICHELIN Zoom Map Provence is the ideal travel companion to fully explore this popular French tourist destination thanks to its easy to use format and its scale of 1/160,000. This map covers the area and the cities of Montpellier, Montelimar, Avignon and Marseille. In addition to Michelin?'s clear and accurate mapping The Zoom collection are... Kosárba
Autós MN 114 ZOOM Pays varois - Verdon Gorges - Verdon szurdok autótérkép Michelin 8688 2 900,00 Ft The MICHELIN zoom map Pays Varois is the ideal travel companion to fully explore this French tourist destination thanks to its easy-to-use format and its scale of 1/100,000. The map covers the areas and cities of Marseille, Toulon and St Raphael. The Zoom collection are characterized by the high precision of their detailed scale, specially adapted for... Kosárba
Akció! Autós MN 115 ZOOM French Riviera - Francia Riviera térkép Michelin 8691 2 900,00 Ft Ennek a Michelin nagy méretarányú térképsorozatnak célja, hogy segítse az utazót hogy vezessen keresztül a nagyvárosi területeken. A városok belterületén jelöli a főutak egyirányúságát, segítve a tervezést a látnivalók megközelítéséhez illetve a városon történő áthajtáshoz. Kiemeli a különösen szép útvonalakt, jelöli a kerékpárutakat. Kiemelt térképek: La... Kosárba