Ismeretterjesztő könyvek A Serengeti nem halhat meg - 367 000 állat hazát keres NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 7968 5 900,00 Ft "Meg kell tanulnunk repülni! A 23 éves Michael Grzimek, Bernhard Grzimek fia ezekkel a szavakkal kezdi el a nemzetközi állat- és környezetvédelem egyik legnagyobb kalandját. Zebracsíkos repülőgépükkel apa és fia Tanzániába utaznak, a Föld egyik legvarázslatosabb vidékére, hogy megakadályozzák a Serengeti Nemzeti Park önkényes területzsugorítását, s az ott... Kosárba
Fali Afrika politikai falitérkép - íves 91x118 cm NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 81054 13 000,00 Ft Méretarány: 1: 9 328 000 Mérete: 91*118 cm Kosárba
Túra Ecuador and Galapagos Islands Adventure Map - Ecuador és Galápagos-szigetek térkép NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 2002 8 950,00 Ft National Geographic's Ecuador and Galapagos Islands AdventureMap is designed to meet the unique needs of adventure travelers with its durability and accurate information. This folded map provides global travelers with the perfect combination of detail and perspective, highlighting hundreds of points of interest and the diverse and unique destinations... Kosárba
Akció! Fali Europe Executive - Európa falitérkép íves - antik színezés 117x91 Nat Geo NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 89869 15 900,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 5 419 000 Mérete: 117*91 cm The Executive political map of Europe is a striking example of the cartographic excellence National Geographic is known for. The antique color palette, shaded relief, and easy-to-read fonts make this map both beautiful and functional. International boundaries are clearly defined and thousands of place names,... Kosárba
Fali Európa antik színezésű falitérkép - íves - 3 szelvényes NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 7754 79 900,00 Ft Kosárba
Akció! Fali Európa politikai falitérkép - classic - National Geographic 117x91 cm NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 1239 16 500,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 5 419 000 Mérete: 117*91cm This map includes complete coverage of the countries and major cities of Albania, Armenia,.. Kosárba
Térképek és atlaszok Holy Land - Szentföld térkép, íves 57x84 cm NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 2399 14 950,00 Ft 57 cm x 84 cm, Scale 1 : 405 500 wall map Kosárba
Útikönyvek Los Angeles útikönyv - Les Guides de voyage National Geographic - FRANCIA NYELVŰ!!! NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 5642 3 900,00 Ft Kosárba
Túra Mexico Adventure Map - Mexikó térkép - National Geographic NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 55270 8 450,00 Ft With its rich cultural history, numerous ecosystems and vast biodiversity, Mexico is one of the most visited countries in the world. National Geographic's Mexico Adventure Map was created for adventure travelers with its unparalleled detailed and convenience. The north side of the map includes Tijuana and the Baja California peninsula, the Gulf of... Kosárba
Útikönyvek Mount Everest panoráma falitérkép 120x76 cm NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 4911 12 500,00 Ft This double-sided map celebrates the 50th anniversary of Sir Edmund Hillary's ascent to the summit of Mt. Everest. Side one features a digital rendering of Mount Everest created from infrared images taken by the space shuttle combined with stereo photographs taken from a jet aircraft. The work of generations of surveyors—stretching back to the days of... Kosárba
Túra NG 3001 Everest Base Camp - Mont Everest bázistábor térkép NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 2079 5 800,00 Ft mellék térkép - KATMANDU-REGIONAL THAMEL NEPÁL (1 250 000) Kosárba
Túra NG 3209 Namibia Adventure Map térkép NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 56198 8 450,00 Ft National Geographic's Namibia Adventure Map is designed to meet the needs of adventure travelers with its detailed and accurate information. This map includes the locations of cities and towns with a user-friendly index, a clearly marked road network complete with distances and designations for roads/highways, plus secondary routes for those seeking to... Kosárba
Autós NG 3318 Cyprus - Ciprus Adventure térkép - vízálló NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 56239 8 450,00 Ft • Waterproof • Tear-Resistant • Travel Map National Geographic's Cyprus Adventure Map provides global travelers with the perfect combination of detail and perspective in a highly functional travel tool. Cities and towns are clearly indicated and easy to find in the user-friendly index. A road network complete with distances and designations for roads,... Kosárba
Autós NG 3319 Austria - Ausztria Adventure térkép - vízálló NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 56383 8 450,00 Ft National Geographic's Adventure Map of Austria is an invaluable tool for travelers seeking to explore the baroque architecture, quaint mountain villages, and rugged alpine terrain of this remarkable country. Cities and towns are easy to find with the map's helpful index. Motorways, highways, and other roads are clearly designated and include distance in... Kosárba
Akció! -10% Fali Naprendszer - Solar System falitérkép NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 3160 7 200,00 Ft 8 000,00 Ft The Solar System, Our Sun's Family, has two sides. The first side includes a description of how our solar system was formed, and shows a map of our solar system, with each planet's orbit in relation to the Sun and to the other planets. Interesting facts and figures accompany each planet's description. Side two is a stunning poster that shows images of... Kosárba
Új Útikönyvek National Parks of the USA útikönyv National Geographic NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 21668 14 500,00 Ft Kosárba
Útikönyvek Puglia traveler útikönyv National Geographic NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 7036 9 450,00 Ft 1Az "olasz csizma sarka" - így is szokták nevezni ezt a szépséges és változatos dél-olasz tájegységet. Ez a legkevésbé esős tartomány, ám a nyári meleget kellemesen enyhíti az Adria felől érkező hűs légáramlás. Híres városok találhatók itt - Bari, Brindisi, Foggia, Lecce, Taranto. E különleges élményt kínáló országrészről a szerző, Nyerges László - a hely... Kosárba
Autós Road Atlas 2023: Scenic Drives Edition [United States, Canada, Mexico] - USA - Mexikó -... NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 57069 9 850,00 Ft National Geographic's Road Atlas: Scenic Drives Edition, is the ideal companion for the next time you hit the road for an unforgettable road trip. Includes up-to-date road maps for all 50 U.S. States, plus Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. Major cities and metropolitan areas are shown in detail with inset maps that include popular attractions,... Kosárba
Útikönyvek Rome guide - Róma útikönyv - National Geographic Traveler NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 8181 4 600,00 Ft Starting with a detailed introduction to Rome's storied history and culture, the book then explores in-depth each of the city's regions, covering in detail every corner of town. Kosárba
Útikönyvek Thailand guide - National Geographic Traveler NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 4765 6 800,00 Ft All the travel experts agree—consumers want more and different experiences from travel than they did in the past. They want to deeply understand their destination before they go, feel a meaningful connection to the place while there, and return home feeling enriched and ready to share their experiences with others. With these trends in mind, and the... Kosárba
Termékfajták The Ultimate Adventure Atlas of Earth: Maps, Games, Activities, and More for Hours of... NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 20446 5 450,00 Ft Here comes another spectacular specialty atlas for kids from the world's leader in exploration, cartography, and conservation. Discovering the excitement of Earth's extreme and adventurous world and all that's in it will take on a whole new level of excitement for kids with the maps, games, fun facts, photos, and activities that pack the National... Kosárba
Akció! Fali World - Világtérkép antik hatású íves térkép 92x61cm - laminált NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 1481 13 000,00 Ft Mérete: 92*61 cm National Geographic's World map is the standard by which all other reference maps are measured. The World map is meticulously researched and adheres to National Geographic's convention of making independent, apolitical decisions based on extensive research using multiple authoritative source, The Executive style World map uses an... Kosárba
Fali World Classic - Világ politikai falitérkép - 176x122 cm National Geographic NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 8894 24 750,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 24 031 000 Mérete: 176*122 cm Enjoy the accuracy and beauty of the latest world map from the cartographers at National Geographic. This map features the Winkel Tripel projection to reduce distortion of land masses as they near the poles. Features include subtle border coloring on land, and prevailing winds and ocean currents at sea.... Kosárba
Fali World Classic - Világ politikai falitérkép - laminált 176x122 cm National Geographic NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 94542 36 500,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 24 031 000 Mérete: 176*122 cm Laminált Enjoy the accuracy and beauty of the latest world map from the cartographers at National Geographic. This map features the Winkel Tripel projection to reduce distortion of land masses as they near the poles. Features include subtle border coloring on land, and prevailing winds and ocean currents at... Kosárba
Akció! Fali World Classic - Világ politikai falitérkép 110x77 cm National Geographic NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 8894 11 950,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 38 931 000 Mérete: 110*77 cm Enjoy the accuracy and beauty of the latest world map from the cartographers at National Geographic. This map features the Winkel Tripel projection to reduce distortion of land masses as they near the poles. Features include subtle border coloring on land, and prevailing winds and ocean currents at sea.... Kosárba
Akció! Térképek és atlaszok World Executive - Világtérkép antik hatású falitérkép - nagyméretű 185x122 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 8726 27 750,00 Ft Mérete: 185 * 122 cm National Geographic's World map is the standard by which all other reference maps are measured. The World map is meticulously researched and adheres to National Geographic's convention of making independent, apolitical decisions based on extensive research using multiple authoritative source, The Executive style World map uses an... Kosárba
Térképek és atlaszok World Executive Pacific Centered Map 185x122 cm - Világtérkép Ausztrália középponttal... NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 1480 23 850,00 Ft Mérete: 182x122 cm The Executive style World map uses an antique-style color palette and stunning shaded relief that provide a richness perfect for any decor. National Geographic's World map is the standard by which all other reference maps are measured. The World map is meticulously researched and adheres to National Geographic's convention of making... Kosárba
Akció! Térképek és atlaszok World Explorer Executive - világtérkép falitérkép 81x51 cm NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 1718 7 650,00 Ft Méretarány 1:51 969 000 Mérete: 81* 51 cm The Explorer Executive style World map uses a antique color palette, stunning shaded relief, and a subtle background grid pattern that echoes the cartographic precision that underlies all National Geographic maps National Geographic's World map is the standard by which all other reference maps are measured.... Kosárba
Akció! Térképek és atlaszok World Explorer Executive - világtérkép falitérkép 81x51 cm - laminált NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 1718 13 000,00 Ft Méretarány 1:51 969 000 Mérete: 81* 51 cm The Explorer Executive style World map uses a antique color palette, stunning shaded relief, and a subtle background grid pattern that echoes the cartographic precision that underlies all National Geographic maps National Geographic's World map is the standard by which all other reference maps are measured.... Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Túra 3203 Morocco Adventure Map - Marokkó térkép - National Geographic NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 349 8 450,00 Ft National Geographic's Morocco Adventure Map provides global travelers with the perfect combination of detail and perspective, highlighting hundreds of points of interest and the unique and exotic destinations within the country. This expertly crafted map includes the locations of thousands of cities and towns with an index for easily locating them, plus a... Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Túra Argentína Adventure Map térkép - National Geographic NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 55447 8 450,00 Ft National Geographic's Adventure Map of Argentina is an invaluable tool for travelers seeking to explore the diverse landscapes, rich history, and stately architecture of South America's second largest nation. This expertly crafted map provides global travelers with the perfect combination of detail and perspective, highlighting hundreds of points of... Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Fali Ausztrália - Australia Classic - politikai falitérkép NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 2506 13 500,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 6 413 000 Mérete: 76*69 cm The Classic style map uses a bright color palette featuring blue oceans and stunning shaded relief that has been a signature of National Geographic wall maps for over 75 years. This map features thousands of place names, including primary and secondary towns, accurate boundaries, parks and protected areas,... Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Termékfajták Balkán politikai íves falitérkép 76x61 cm NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 3723 9 800,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 1 948 000 The map covers Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Slovenia, as well as the outlying border countries of Greece, Italy, Slovakia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine. Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Termékfajták Croatia Adventure - Horvátország térkép NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 56437 8 450,00 Ft • Waterproof • Tear-Resistant • Travel Map Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Fali Dél-Amerika - South America falitérkép NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 2110 9 500,00 Ft From the Isthmus of Panama to the southern reaches of Cape Horn, National Geographic's wall map of South America combines beauty with function. The Classic style map uses a bright color palette featuring blue oceans and stunning shaded relief that has been a signature of National Geographic wall maps for over 75 years. Political boundaries are clearly... Kosárba
Akció! Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Fali Europe Executive - Európa politikai falitérkép - antik színezés - keretezett - NatGeo... NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 1239 72 300,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 5 419 000 Mérete: 117*91 cm The Executive political map of Europe is a striking example of the cartographic excellence National Geographic is known for. The antique color palette, shaded relief, and easy-to-read fonts make this map both beautiful and functional. International boundaries are clearly defined and thousands of place names,... Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Fali Európa politikai falitérkép - antik hatású NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 8268 8 000,00 Ft Mérete: 77*60 cm The Executive political map of Europe is a striking example of the cartographic excellence National Geographic is known for. The antique color palette, shaded relief, and easy-to-read fonts make this map both beautiful and functional. International boundaries are clearly defined and thousands of place names, waterbodies, airports,... Kosárba
Akció! Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Fali Európa politikai falitérkép - antik színezés - laminált - NatGeo 117x91 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 1239 21 700,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 5 419 000 Mérete: 117*91 cm The Executive political map of Europe is a striking example of the cartographic excellence National Geographic is known for. The antique color palette, shaded relief, and easy-to-read fonts make this map both beautiful and functional. International boundaries are clearly defined and thousands of place names,... Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Fali Európa politikai falitérkép -kisméretű - laminált - National Geographic NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 1800 13 000,00 Ft Mérete: 77*60 cm Kosárba
Akció! Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Fali Európa politikai falitérkép - laminált - classic - National Geographic 117x91 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 1239 24 500,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 5 419 000 Mérete: 114*88 cm This map includes complete coverage of the countries and major cities of Albania, Armenia,.. Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Gömbök IRON EXECUTIVE álló földgömb- National Geographic NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 70267 251 000,00 Ft 30 cm - álló, világító, antik politikai, krómozott acél talp Kosárba
Akció! Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Autós Iceland adventure map - Izland térkép NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 55348 8 450,00 Ft Engedje, hogy a National Geographic Izland kalandtérképe kalauzolja Önt az északi sziget érintetlen természetének és egyedülálló tájainak felfedezésében. A szakértelemmel kutatott térképet pontos és részletes információkkal a kalandos utazók igényeinek megfelelően tervezték. A térkép az egyértelműen jelölt úthálózat mellett - a fő- és főutak távolságaival... Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Túra NG 3003 Annapurna - Adventure térkép - vízálló NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 2078 6 250,00 Ft • Waterproof • Tear-Resistant • Travel Map National Geographic's Adventure Map of Annapurna is an invaluable tool for travelers seeking to explore this remarkable mountain range, Nepal, and its capital Kathmandu. Designed to meet the needs of adventure travelers with its detailed, accurate information, this map includes the location of cities and towns... Kosárba
Akció! Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Termékfajták NG 3018 Turkey Adventure - Törökország térkép NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 56116 8 450,00 Ft • Waterproof • Tear-Resistant • Travel Map National Geographic's Turkey Adventure Map provides global travelers with the perfect combination of detail and perspective. Designed to meet the needs of adventure travelers with its detailed, accurate information, this map includes the location of cities and towns with a user-friendly index and a clearly... Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Túra NG 3100 Costa Rica Adventure Map térkép NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 53146 8 450,00 Ft Created in cooperation with Instituto Geografico Nacional, National Geographic's Costa Rica Adventure Map is designed to meet the needs of all adventure travelers in this tropical tourist hotspot. Indexes of towns and protected areas, such as National Wildlife Refuges and Parks, wetlands, nature reserves and other natural attractions as well as pinpointed... Kosárba
Akció! Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Termékfajták NG 3309 Sardinia - Szardinia térkép NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 55416 8 450,00 Ft • Waterproof • Tear-Resistant • Travel Map National Geographic's Sardinia Adventure Map provides global travelers with the perfect combination of detail and perspective in a highly functional travel tool. Cities and towns are easy to find with the map's helpful index. Expressways, major routes, and other roads are clearly designated and include distance... Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Autós NG 3311 Slovenia - Szlovénia Adventure térkép - vízálló NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 55430 8 450,00 Ft National Geographic's Slovenia Adventure Map is designed to meet the unique needs of adventure travelers with its detailed and accurate information. This map includes thousands of cities and towns with an index for easily locating them, plus a clearly marked road network complete with distances and designations for highways, major roadways, scenic routes,... Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Autós NG 3311 Slovenia - Szlovénia Adventure térkép - vízálló NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 55430 8 450,00 Ft National Geographic's Slovenia Adventure Map is designed to meet the unique needs of adventure travelers with its detailed and accurate information. This map includes thousands of cities and towns with an index for easily locating them, plus a clearly marked road network complete with distances and designations for highways, major roadways, scenic routes,... Kosárba