Autós Abruzzo-Molise tartomány térkép LAC 4438 3 400,00 Ft Regional road map of the south east Italian regions of Abruzzo and Molise complete with a detailed index of place names. Features a wealth of practical and tourist information including attractions and places of interest, national parks, railways, road distances, campsites and viewpoints. Towns included: Campobasso, Chieti, Isernia, L'Aquila, Pescara,... Kosárba
Autós Agrigento térkép-Valle dei Templi (Global Map) LAC 5544 3 200,00 Ft 1:6 000 Agrigento várostérkép Fontanelle, San Leone, Villaggio Mosé e villaseta Clearly-drawn street map/plan of the city of Agrigento, Sicily and its surrounds, including the villages of Fontanelle, San Leo, Moses and Villaseta, showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, railways and... Kosárba
Autós Alessandria térkép (Global Map) LAC 5646 3 200,00 Ft 1:10000 Alessandria várostérkép Castelceriolo és Spinetta Marengo Clearly-drawn street map/plan of the city of Alessandria (Piedmont) and its surrounds, including the towns of Caselceriolo and Spinetta Marengo, showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, railways and parks. Includes a... Kosárba
Sétáló Arezzo térkép (Global map) LAC 4434 3 200,00 Ft Clearly-drawn street map/plan of the city of Arezzo (Tuscany) and its surrounds showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, railways and parks. Includes a street index and an index of places of interest. Kosárba
Autós Basilicata térkép LAC 4374 2 800,00 Ft Regional road map of the south Italian region of Basilicata also known as Lucania (capital Potenza), complete with a detailed index of place names. Features a wealth of practical and tourist information including attractions and places of interest, national parks, railways, road distances, campsites and viewpoints. Legend: Italian, English, French,... Kosárba
Autós Belluno térkép LAC 4383 2 300,00 Ft Clearly-drawn street map/.plan of the city of Belluno (Veneto) and its surrounds showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, railway lines and parks. Includes an inset of Ponte Nelle Alpi shown at 1: 10,000 and another of Cortina D’Ampezzo shown at 1: 10,000. There is also a comprehensive... Kosárba
Sétáló Benevento térkép LAC 4405 2 300,00 Ft Detailed street map/plan of the city of Benevento (Campania) and its surrounds showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, railway lines and parks. Includes a comprehensive street index plus an index of places of interest. Kosárba
Sétáló Biella térkép LAC 4393 2 300,00 Ft Map of the center and the surroundings Tourist informations Public buildings and parkings Index Legend in english Kosárba
Sétáló Brindisi térkép LAC 4414 3 200,00 Ft Clearly-drawn street map/plan of the city of Brindisi (Puglia) and its surrounds, including the industrial area, showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, railways and parks. The map also includes a full street index and an index of places of interest. Kosárba
Autós Calabria térkép (Global Map) LAC 4441 3 400,00 Ft Detailed street map/plan of the city of Reggio di Calabria and its suburbs showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, parks and railway lines. There is also a comprehensive street index on the reverse plus an index to the places of interest marked. Kosárba
Autós Campania Provincia -tartomány térkép (Global Map) LAC 4421 3 400,00 Ft The city plans and maps of Italian regions presented by the LAC publishing house are clear and transparent. Clearly marked places, facilities, green and built-up areas, main and secondary roads, the city center and the periphery, will allow you to easily move around a new city, region or province. LAC maps are a great travel companion in Italy. Kosárba
Sétáló Caserta térkép LAC 4392 2 300,00 Ft Clearly-drawn street map/plan of the city of Caserta (Campania) and its surrounds showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, railways and parks. The map also includes a full street index and an index of places of interest. Kosárba
Sétáló Cefalú térkép (Global Map) LAC 5526 3 200,00 Ft 1:5 000 Clearly-drawn street map/plan of the city of Cefalu (Sicily) and its surrounds showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, railways and parks. The map also includes a full street index and an index of places of interest. Kosárba
Sétáló Como várostérkép LAC 4384 2 300,00 Ft Como on an indexed street plan at 1:10,000 from Litografia Artistica Cartografica, with a detailed enlargement of the city’s historic centre at 1:7,500. 35 monuments including historic buildings and churches, cultural or educational institutions, and important municipal buildings or facilities are numbered and listed next to the plan. Kosárba
Sétáló Cosenza várostérkép LAC 4419 2 300,00 Ft Clearly-drawn street map/plan of the city of Cosenza (Calabria) and its surrounds showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, railways and parks. The map also includes a full street index and an index of places of interest. Kosárba
Túra Costa Degli Etruschi (Global Map) térkép LAC 4418 3 200,00 Ft This detailed touring map of the Costa degli Etruschi (Etruscan Coast), the central coast of Tuscany, covers the area from Pisa in the north to Piombino in the south and from the coast eastwards to Volterra. The road network is clearly marked, and small tracks also shown. Towns and villages of particular tourist interest are highlighted and National... Kosárba
Sétáló Costa Degli Etruschi térkép LAC 5178 2 800,00 Ft This detailed touring map of the Costa degli Etruschi (Etruscan Coast), the central coast of Tuscany, covers the area from Pisa in the north to Piombino in the south and from the coast eastwards to Volterra. The road network is clearly marked, and small tracks also shown. Towns and villages of particular tourist interest are highlighted and National... Kosárba
Túra Costa Smeralda da S. Teres di Gallura a Olbia e Bocche di Bonivacio térkép LAC 168 3 200,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 65 000 Szardínia északi sarka I. Maddalena, I. Caprera La Maddalena Cannigione Luogosanto S.Pantaleo, S.Antonio, Calangianus, Pausania, Olbia, Telfi, Vena Kosárba
Sétáló Cremona térkép LAC 4353 2 300,00 Ft Clearly-drawn street map/plan of the city of Cremona (Lombardy) and its suburbs showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, parks and railway lines. Includes a complete street index on the reverse plus an index of places of interest. Kosárba
Autós Cuneo várostérkép LAC 4385 2 300,00 Ft Clearly-drawn street map/plan of the city of Cuneo (Piedmont) and its surrounds showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, railways and parks. The map also includes a full street index and an index of places of interest. Kosárba
Autós Elba sziget turista és vizi térkép - Global Map LAC 4425 3 200,00 Ft Elba on a detailed map from Litografia Artistica Cartografica, with an indexed street plan of Portoferraio. The map offers a nice balance between clarity of road detail for exploring the island by car, tourist information, and a topographic base with overprint for waymarked hiking routes. Kosárba
Autós Emilia Romagna autótérkép - Globalmap LAC 1770 3 400,00 Ft I piani urbanistici e le mappe delle regioni italiane presentate dalla casa editrice LAC sono chiari e trasparenti. Luoghi, strutture, aree verdi e costruite chiaramente, strade principali e laterali, centro città e periferia, ti permetteranno di spostarti facilmente in una nuova città, regione o provincia. Le mappe LAC sono un ottimo compagno di viaggio... Kosárba
Sétáló Ferrara térkép (Global Map) LAC 6765 3 200,00 Ft Clearly-drawn street map/plan of the city of Ferrara (Emilia-Romagna) and its suburbs showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, parks and railway lines. Includes a comprehensive index of streets and index of places of interest. Kosárba
Sétáló Firenze térkép Global Map LAC 4420 3 200,00 Ft Toscana Clearly-drawn street map/plan of the city of Florence (Firenze) in Tuscany and its outer suburbs showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, parks and railway lines. The reverse of the map includes a map of the historic city centre shown at 1: 5,500 as well as a road map of the... Kosárba
Sétáló Firenze város és Provincia térkép LAC 4398 3 600,00 Ft Florence (Firenze) 1:9,000 & Environs 1:150,000 (Italy) Touring Map LAC Double sided map featuring a large street plan of Florence at 1:9,000 on one side and a map of the Florence Province at 1:150,000 on reverse, fully indexed, comes in protective plastic poach. Authentic Italian cartography. Kosárba
Túra GARGANO TURISTATÉRKÉP (GLOBAL MAP) LAC 6992 3 200,00 Ft MÉRETARÁNY 1 : 80 000 This detailed map covers the Gargano Peninsula, in the west Italian region of Apulia. The road network is clearly shown and dirt tracks and paths included, including paths through the Parco del Gargano protected area. Towns and villages of tourist interest are highlighted and other places of interest clearly marked including... Kosárba
Sétáló Genova térkép (Global Map) LAC 4436 3 200,00 Ft Clearly-drawn street map/plan of the city of Genoa (Genova) in Liguria and its surrounds showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, railways and parks. The map also includes a full street index and an index of places of interest. Kosárba
Sétáló Gorizia térkép LAC 4362 2 300,00 Ft Street map/plan of the city of Gorizia (Friuli-Venezia Giulia) and its suburbs showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, parks and railway lines. The map includes a street index plus an index of places of interest. Kosárba
Sétáló Grosseto térkép (Global Map) LAC 4439 3 200,01 Ft Street map/plan of the city of Grosseto (Tuscany) and its surrounds showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions and parks. Includes a comprehensive street index plus an index of places of interest. Legend: Italian, English, French, German Kosárba
Sétáló Imperia térkép (Global map) LAC 4430 3 200,00 Ft Street map/plan of the city of Imperia (Liguria) and its surrounds including separate street maps of Diano Marina, San Bartolomeo and Cervo, and San Lorenzo al Mare. Places of interest are clearly marked including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, railways and parks. Includes a comprehensive street index on the reverse and an... Kosárba
Autós Lazio tartomány térkép LAC 4358 2 800,00 Ft Regional road map of Lazio (capital Rome) complete with a detailed index of place names. Features a wealth of practical and tourist information including attractions and places of interest, national parks, railways, road distances, campsites and viewpoints. Kosárba
Sétáló Lecce térkép LAC 4415 2 300,00 Ft Clearly-drawn street map/plan of the city of Lecce (Apulia) and its surrounds showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, railways and parks. Includes a detailed inset of the city centre shown at 1: 6,000. The map also includes a full street index and an index of places of interest. Kosárba
Autós Lunigiana LAC 4390 1 200,00 Ft This detailed map of Lunigiana, on the the north west tip of Tuscany covers the area north of the village of Fosdinovo and the La Spezia to the San Stefano motorway interchange between the A12 and A15. Kosárba
Sétáló L´Aquila térkép LAC 4386 2 300,00 Ft nevezetes hely - ABRUZZO Clearly-drawn street map/plan of the city of L'Aquila (Abruzzo) and its surrounds, including the town of Avezzano, showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, railways and parks. The map also includes a full street index and an index of places of interest. Kosárba
Túra MAREMMA GROSSETANA (GLOBAL MAP) TURISTATÉRKÉP LAC 3280 3 200,00 Ft Maßstab 1 : 130 000 gefaltete Karte detailreiche Straßenkarte Straßen und Fußwege mit touristisch interessanten Orten Kosárba
Túra MONTE PISANO TURISTATÉRKÉP GLOBAL MAP LAC 3377 3 200,00 Ft MÉRETARÁNY 1 : 25 000 LUCCA - PISA - SAN GIULIANO TERME - PONTEDERA Duidelijke wandelkaart 1:25.000 met ondermeer hoogtelijnen, bezienswaardigheden, hutten, campings, ingetekende wandelroutes, fietsroutes en klettersteigroutes. Vijftalige legenda: Italiaans, Engels, Duits, Frans, Spaans. Geschikt voor gebruik met GPS. Kosárba
Sétáló Mantova térkép LAC 4396 2 300,00 Ft Clearly-drawn street map/plan of the city of Mantua (Mantova) in Lombardy and its surrounds, including the industrial area, showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, railways and parks. The map also includes a full street index and an index of places of interest. Kosárba
Sétáló Mestre/Marghera térkép LAC 4366 2 300,00 Ft Clearly-drawn street map/plan of Mestre and Marghera in the mainland part of the city of Venice (Veneto) and their surrounds showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, railways and parks. The map also includes a full street index and an index of places of interest. Kosárba
Sétáló Milánó térkép - Global map LAC 4313 3 200,00 Ft Méretarány 1 : 18 500 Milan at 1: 18,500 on an indexed street plan from Litografia Artistica Cartografica in their Globalmap imprint, with a large, detailed enlargement of the city centre at 1:9,000. 63 monuments including historic buildings and churches, cultural or educational institutions, and important municipal buildings or facilities are listed... Kosárba
Sétáló Modena térkép (Global Map) LAC 4370 3 200,00 Ft 1:12 000 Modena at 1: 12,000 on indexed street plans from Litografia Artistica Cartografica, with a detailed enlargement of the city’s historic centre at 1:6,500. 45 monuments including historic buildings and churches, cultural or educational institutions, and important municipal buildings or facilities are numbered and listed next to the plan. Kosárba
Túra Monte Baldo turistatérkép LAC 97 1 990,00 Ft TOPOGRAPHISCHE KARTE MONTE BALDO 1:25 000 Topography shown by hill-shading and contours Hiking paths GPS compatible Kosárba
Sétáló Novara várostérkép (Global Map) LAC 4360 3 200,00 Ft Clearly-drawn street map/plan of the city of Novara (Piedmont) and its suburbs showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, parks and railway lines. Includes an inset of the city centre shown at 1: 6,000. There is also a comprehensive street index on the reverse plus an index to the places... Kosárba
Sétáló Nuoro térkép LAC 4412 2 300,00 Ft Detailed street map/plan of the city of Nuoro (Sardinia) and its surrounds showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, parks and railway lines. Includes a street index on the reverse plus an index to the places of interest marked. Kosárba
Sétáló Oristano térkép LAC 4413 2 300,00 Ft Detailed street map/plan of the city of Oristano (Sardinia) and its surrounds showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, parks and railway lines. Includes a comprehensive street index on the reverse plus an index to the places of interest marked. Kosárba
Kerékpáros PARCO DELLA MAREMMA TURISTATÉRKÉP LAC 6564 3 200,00 Ft The rugged Maremma region in Tuscany is known for unspoilt beauty and wildlife in particular the Parco della Maremma (Natural Park of Maremma). From the coastline with its sandy beaches to pine forests, marshland and the lush Uccellina mountains, dotted with old watchtowers, the park is a paradise for lovers of the great outdoors. This detailed walking... Kosárba
Autós Padova térkép (Global Map) LAC 6853 2 990,00 Ft 1:14 000 várostérkép Clearly-drawn street map/plan of the city of Padua (Padova) in Veneto and its surrounds, including neighbouring towns, showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, railways and parks. The map also includes a full street index and an index of places of interest. Kosárba
Sétáló Palmi térkép LAC 4404 2 300,00 Ft Detailed street map/plan of the city of Palmi and its suburbs showing places of interest including public buildings, monuments, churches, cultural attractions, car parks, parks and railway lines. The reverse includes tourist information in Italian, English, German and French. There is also an inset map of Tonnara-Scina shown at 1: 5,500 plus a black and... Kosárba