Laosz térkép

Laosz térkép

5 200,00 Ft
1-3 munkanap
Vietiane, Luang, Prabang melléktérkép Anyway, we're very pleased to introduce you to this new, double-sided, map at a great scale, with fantastic detail. To me, the north side is the most interesting, covering the portion of Laos from Vientiane, the capital, to the Chinese border. Detailed inset maps of Vientiane and Louang Prabang, the temple city, are included on this side, as are bits of both Thailand and Vietnam. The south portion fills the other side of the sheet, including a goodly portion of Vietnam, showing all border crossings. Much of Thailand has had to be obscured, unfortunately, to make room for the place names index, but the immediate border areas are shown, including the rail line south from Vientiane. In an interesting departure from previous ITMB maps, the back cover consists of a detailed inset map of Vientiane at 1:16,000 scale, making it easy to use in the city without having to unfold the map sheet. Laos, as a country, has an exceptionally rich history, with the exotic Plain of Jars, the enormous temples, and in its involvement in the Vietnam War. This is a country well worth a visit and now it has a map enticing everyone to visit!

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Méretarány (elsodleges)
1 : 750 000
Méretarány (másodlagos)
1 : 750 000
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