Sétáló Bangkok térkép Flexi map APA 8728 2 800,00 Ft "Fleximap Bangkok" includes 5 maps. The main map is a detailed street map of central Bangkok (1:15,000) including all the major tourists areas, with points of interest and general tourist information clearly marked. A larger-scale map (1:110,000) gives a handy overview of the city, while a small inset (1:6000) shows the layout of the Grand Palace in the... Kosárba
Útikönyvek Sicily pocket guide - Szicília Berlitz zsebkönyv APA 4808 2 290,00 Ft "Berlitz Pocket Guide Sicily" is a concise, full-colour travel guide that gives you reliable, user-friendly detail alongside vivid photography. This compact guidebook is all you need to help you find the best places to visit and things to do on the island. Sicily is a fascinating island, packed with the remains of ancient cultures, from Roman... Kosárba