Autós Ausztrália térkép Collins 1723 4 000,00 Ft Folded, indexed road map of Australia, showing all major and many minor rads, cities and towns, at a scale of 1:5,000,000 (1 " to 80 miles). Map shows railroads, animal reserves, national parks, scenic areas, beaches, points of interest, watersports areas, ethnic reserves, and viewpoints. The map also shows insets for Christmas Island, the Cocos Islands,... Kosárba
Autós Britain Road Map - Nagy-Britannia autós térkép Collins 2363 2 499,98 Ft Méretarány 1: 550 000 This full color double-sided map of Great Britain at 9 miles to 1 inch (1:550,000 approximately) has clear, detailed road network and administrative areas shown in color. With its political coloring of counties and unitary authorities it is ideal for business users but also perfect for tourists as a route planning map. Kosárba
Autós Collins Essential Road Atlas Europe - Európa atlasz - 2022 Collins 403966 14 950,00 Ft Up-to-date A4 spiral bound road atlas of Europe. Contains clear, large-scale, detailed road mapping, perfect for touring the Mediterranean, Iberian peninsula, Scandinavia and all European tourist destinations. Main features. • Clear, easy to follow road maps at a scale of 1:1,000,000. • Europe routes and motorways are easily distinguished on the... Kosárba
Termékfajták Collins Scotland Touring Map - Skócia térkép Collins 68302 5 250,00 Ft Official map of Scotland, published in association with Scotland’s national tourist authority, VisitScotland, shows Scotland’s tourist attractions on one easy-to-use Collins map. This clear, easy to follow Collins road map with color classified roads contains everything for the tourist who wishes to explore this beautiful country. The map, at a scale of 5... Kosárba
Termékfajták Discovering London Illustrated Map - London térkép Collins 92618 3 750,00 Ft Coverage extends from Regent’s Park in the north to Battersea in the south, and from Kensington in the west to Tower Bridge in the east. The map features: Railway stations, bus routes, London underground map, taxi ranks and car parks Shop-by-shop street maps for Oxford Street, Bond Street, Covent Garden, Portobello Road, King’s Road, Brompton Cross,... Kosárba
Sétáló Glasgow atlasz (A-Z) Collins 1714 3 200,01 Ft M:1:18103/9051 Hamilton Motherwell Paisley Clydebank Coatbridge Airdrie Kirkintilloch Dumbarton Milngavie Cumbernauld Johnstone Barrhead East Kilbride Kosárba
Akció! -50% Autós Handy Map Ireland - Írország térkép Collins 3119 1 250,00 Ft 2 500,00 Ft Méretarány 1:630 000 This route-planning map is extremely easy to use as it opens almost like a book. It has lamination on both sides, making it very hard wearing, and is presented in a plastic wallet. This durable laminated map, covering the whole of Ireland, opens almost like a book, giving it the convenience of an atlas with all the benefits of a fold... Kosárba
Autós Handy road atlas Scotland - Skócia autóatlasz Collins 47878 5 450,00 Ft Discover new places with handy road atlases from Collins. Your ideal companion for navigating around Scotland. It has extremely clear, route planning maps of Scotland, detailed city plans of the major cities and towns and fits neatly into your glovebox, briefcase or bag. Main features Clear, attractive route planning maps of the whole of Scotland... Kosárba
Ismeretterjesztő könyvek MY FIRST BOOK OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM - A naprendszer első könyve Collins 8451 1 990,00 Ft This title introduces children to the ever-popular topic of space and the amazing worlds that make up our solar system. Kosárba
Autós Road Map Ireland - Írország térkép Collins 47854 5 250,00 Ft Full color map of Ireland at 9 miles to 1 inch (1:570,240), with clear, detailed road network and counties and new administrative areas shown in color. This double-sided map covers the whole of Ireland, and is ideal for reference or route planning. This map of Ireland shows the road network in detail. It is ideal for business users, with its political... Kosárba
Termékfajták Skye Pocket Map - Skye zsebtérkép Collins 92595 2 750,00 Ft Handy little full colour Collins map of Skye with a high level of detail. Clear mapping of the Isle of Skye showing the road network, ferries and places of interest. Map at a scale of 1:175 000 (3 miles to 1 inch). Clear, detailed, full colour Collins road mapping is presented in a handy format ideal for the pocket or handbag. It is excellent value and... Kosárba
Ismeretterjesztő könyvek The Times Concise Atlas of the World Collins 409289 47 250,00 Ft A fully revised and updated edition of this major world atlas in the authoritative and prestigious Times Atlas range. This beautifully designed atlas has all the information you need, whether planning a trip, keeping in touch with world news, solving quizzes and crosswords or just exploring the world from your armchair. Comprehensive reference mapping... Kosárba
Autós Whisky Map of Scotland - Skócia whisky gyártó területei térkép Collins 1726 3 950,00 Ft Discover where Scotland's national drink is produced. All of Scotland's operational whisky distilleries and whisky-related places of interest located on one map. Also includes an easy-to-use index listing visitor facilities, contact details and websites. The map includes: * Over 100 distilleries and whisky-related places of interest. * Insert map of malt... Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Termékfajták Belfast zsebtérkép Collins 12838 2 990,00 Ft Handy little full color Collins map of central Belfast with a high level of detail. Clear mapping from Cliftonville in the north to Botanics in the south, and Shankill in the west to City Airport in the east. Map at a scale of 1:10,000 (6 inches to 1 mile). Clear, detailed, full color Collins mapping is presented in a handy format ideal for the pocket or... Kosárba
Akció! Előjegyezhető (Ár változhat!) Fali Collins World Wall Laminated Map - Világ politikai falitérkép - laminált Collins 92540 16 650,00 Ft Mérete: 138*102 cm Részletek
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Autós Dublin streetfinder térkép Collins 69958 4 990,00 Ft Explore the city of Dublin with this detailed, fully updated colour map. Street by street map covering central Dublin and the surrounding area. The map, at a scale of 4 inches to 1 mile (1:15,840), has clear, colour-classified streets named and numbered plus places of interest, all fully colour coded for ease of use. It covers the area from Ballymun... Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Termékfajták Edinburgh zsebtérkép Collins 68272 4 750,00 Ft Handy little full colour Collins map of central Edinburgh with a high level of detail. Clear mapping from Leith in the north to The Meadows in the south, and Edinburgh Zoo in the west to Holyrood Park in the east. Map at a scale of 1:11,000 (6 inches to 1 mile).Clear, detailed, full colour Collins mapping is presented in a handy format ideal for the... Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Autós Road Map Scotland - Skócia térkép Collins 47861 5 250,00 Ft Full color map of Scotland at 8.7 miles to 1 inch (1:550,000) with clear, detailed road network and administrative areas shown in color. The map covers the whole of Scotland and part of Northern England conveniently on one side, and is ideal for reference or route planning. The map shows the road network in detail for easy route planning. It is ideal for... Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Útikönyvek Short Walks In Cornwall útikönyv Collins 3156 3 500,00 Ft A practical guide to walks that can easily be completed in less that 3 hours This compact little guide contains 20 walks, all of which are five miles or under, which are chosen with issues like parking and refreshments in mind, making them ideal for an afternoon stroll. Easy-to-follow walk descriptions are given, along with clear maps that show the route... Kosárba
Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!) Ismeretterjesztő könyvek The Times mini atlas of the world - mini világatlasz Collins 8005 4 650,00 Ft A pocket-sized Times Atlas of the World packed with the essentials, fully revised and improved to take account of all recent changes from around the world. The whole world is covered with the accuracy and authority for which Times atlases are renowned. Main features of this atlas include: • 117 pages of authoritative up-to-date mapping of the whole... Kosárba