The Basilica Cathedral of Saint-Denis - A...

The Basilica Cathedral of Saint-Denis - A Saint-Denis katedrális

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2 999,85 Ft
First monumental masterpiece of Gothic art, the present Basilica of Saint-Denis was designed by Abbot Suger in the 12th century and completed during the time of Saint Louis in the 13th century. The basilica has been given many facelifts and has suffered the tribulations of history as the cynosure of the French monarchy. The renovation programmes led by Eugéne Viollet-le-Duc in the 19th century restored to it some of its past splendour. Necropois of the kings of France, the basilica houses a collection of 12th- to 16th-century recumbent statues and tombs that is the only one of its kind in Europe, as well as stained glass from the 12th and 19th centuries. The Basilica of Saint-Denis is a combined parish church, Episcopal headquarters, and major nationalcultural site.

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Philippe Plagnieux
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