Scandinavia Insight Guides - Skandinávia

Scandinavia Insight Guides - Skandinávia

Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!)
10 750,00 Ft
Előrendelhető, szállítási időről, esetleges árváltozásról tájékoztatunk! A beszerzés bizonyos esetekben nem lehetséges, vagy csak újabb kiadást, vagy helyettesítő terméket tudunk javasolni!
Discover Scandinavia, this wonderful region of fjords, tall mountains, rich folklore and cool design and be inspired by this new edition of Insight Guide Scandinavia, a comprehensive full-colour guide to this breathtaking region whose New Scandinavian Cuisine has taken the world by storm. Be inspired by our Best of Scandinavia section highlighting unmissable sights and experiences and lavish Photo Features on topics such as saunas, folklore and foraging. A detailed Places section, with stunning travel photography and full-colour maps, shows you where to go and what to do, from from the fjords of Norway to the cool cities of Stockholm and Copenhagen and the saunas of Finland. A comprehensive Travel Tips section gives you all the travel advice you need to plan your trip, with our selective, independent reviews to guide you to the most authentic nightlife venues and restaurants.

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