Europe phrasebook

Europe phrasebook

Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!)
4 350,00 Ft
Előrendelhető, szállítási időről, esetleges árváltozásról tájékoztatunk! A beszerzés bizonyos esetekben nem lehetséges, vagy csak újabb kiadást, vagy helyettesítő terméket tudunk javasolni!

Lonely Planet's Europe Phrasebook & Language guide is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with relevant travel phrases and vocabulary.

Organized by language, this pocket-sized, comprehensive multi-language guide, provides on-the-go language assistance for all levels. 

  • Basics – time, dates, numbers, pronunciations, grammar rules, common language difficulties
  • Practical - sightseeing, banking, post office, internet, phones, repairs, bargaining, accommodations, directions, transport
  • Social - meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, romance, culture, weathe
  • Safe Travel - emergencies, police, doctor, chemist, dentist, symptoms, conditions
  • Food - ordering, at-the-market, at- the-bar, dishes, ingredients

Covers: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.


Lonely Planet's Europe Phrasebook & Language guide is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with relevant travel phrases and vocabulary.

Organized by language, this pocket-sized, comprehensive multi-language guide, provides on-the-go language assistance for all levels. 

  • Basics – time, dates, numbers, pronunciations, grammar rules, common language difficulties
  • Practical - sightseeing, banking, post office, internet, phones, repairs, bargaining, accommodations, directions, transport
  • Social - meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, romance, culture, weathe
  • Safe Travel - emergencies, police, doctor, chemist, dentist, symptoms, conditions
  • Food - ordering, at-the-market, at- the-bar, dishes, ingredients

Covers: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.

Kiadás Éve
Megjelenési forma / Kötészet
12 maps | Dimensions: 93mm x 140mm
456 pages
456 pp colour
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