Nova Scotia - Új Skócia - Bradt útikönyv

Nova Scotia - Új Skócia - Bradt útikönyv

Beszerzési idő 5-28 nap (Ár változhat!)
8 000,00 Ft
Előrendelhető, szállítási időről, esetleges árváltozásról tájékoztatunk! A beszerzés bizonyos esetekben nem lehetséges, vagy csak újabb kiadást, vagy helyettesítő terméket tudunk javasolni!

This new, thoroughly updated edition of Bradt's Nova Scotia remains the most comprehensive guide available to this increasingly popular region of eastern Canada.


New direct flights from the UK make visiting easier than ever before, helping to fuel the growth of tourist numbers to the many new distilleries and wineries, all of which are covered in this new edition. Virtually surrounded by the sea, the region boasts 4,600 miles of coastline, superb seafood, a rich folklore, quiet roads and a wealth of outdoor pursuits. Travelling here feels like going back to a time when life's pleasures were simpler: shopping at a Farmers' Market or a roadside fruit stall, buying lobster fresh off the boat at the wharf, or photographing the lighthouse by the old fishing village. What's more, it's not hard to get off the beaten track here.

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David Orkin
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