Congo - Kongó - Bradt útikönyv

Congo - Kongó - Bradt útikönyv

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Előrendelhető, szállítási időről, esetleges árváltozásról tájékoztatunk! A beszerzés bizonyos esetekben nem lehetséges, vagy csak újabb kiadást, vagy helyettesítő terméket tudunk javasolni!

Known as the heart of Africa, the Congos are one of the last bastions in Africa for the seriously adventurous traveler. Both countries remain difficult to visit especially when traveling overland. This revised guide tells you how to travel both adventurously and safely and includes an extensive chapter on security. It provides the intrepid traveler with practical information and the unique maps you will need to explore this jungle territory. City maps have been updated with the latest information on where to find hotels, restaurants and shops. The road network has been repaired and travelers can now travel easily by minibus throughout some regions of these countries. Overland routes are much improved and regional maps are completely revised to show the updated infrastructure.

The Congos encompass Africa's largest area of intact rainforest and much of the book is devoted to the spectacular wildlife in both countries. Two eastern national parks, both World Heritage Sites, protect not only the mountain gorilla but the critically endangered eastern lowland gorilla and information on tour groups visiting these sites and many others is included in the guide. Providing practical information on every region of both countries, essential advice on preparation as well as safety precautions, this is the only comprehensive guide to both Congos in English.



Introduction vii


Chapter 1 Background Information 3

Geography 3, Climate 4, Natural history and wildlife 4, History to the mid 19th century 5, Language 12, Religion 14

Chapter 2 Practical Information 19

When to visit 19, Highlights 19, Suggested itineraries 20, Health 20, Safety 35, What to take 40, Money, currency and banking 42, Budgeting 43, Time 44, Getting around 44, Accommodation 47, Eating and drinking 48, Sport 51, Travelling positively 54


Chapter 3 Background Information 61

History 61, Government and politics 80, Economy 81, People and culture 82

Chapter 4 Practical Information 85

Tour operators 85, Red tape 85, Embassies 86, Getting there and away 87, Media and communications 89

Chapter 5 Kinshasa 91

History 91, Orientation 93, Getting there and around 96, Local tour operators 97, Where to stay 100, Where to eat 102, Entertainment and nightlife 103, Shopping 104, Other practicalities 105, What to see and do 108

Chapter 6 Around Kinshasa and Bas Congo 111

Around Kinshasa 111, Bas Congo 114, Matadi 115, Around Matadi 120, Boma 120, Tshela 122, Muanda 123, Mangroves National Park (Muanda Marine Reserve) 123

Chapter 7 Central Democratic Republic of Congo 125Mbandaka 125, Salonga Park 128, Faunal Reserve of Lomako-Yokokala 130, Kikwit 131, Ilebo 131, Kananga 132, Mbuji-Mayi 134, Lodja 137, Kindu 138

Chapter 8 Katanga 139

Lubumbashi 139, Kasumbalesa 154, Sakania 154, Likasi 155, Around Likasi 156, Bunkeya 159, Kolwezi 161, Kamina to Kongolo 164, Manono and around 165, Kalemie 166

Chapter 9 Kisangani, Maiko and the North 169

Kisangani 169, Maiko National Park 181, Isiro 182, Garamba National Park 183, Okapi Reserve 185, Buta 186, Gemena 187

Chapter 10 The East 189

Goma 189, Virunga National Park 198, The Ruwenzori Mountains 209, Kiwanja (Rutshuru) 213, Bunagana 214, Butembo 214, Beni 215, Bukavu 216, Idjwi Island 224, Kahuzi-Biega National Park 224, Uvira 226, Ituri Province 226


Chapter 11 Background Information 235

History 235, Government and politics 249, Economy 251, People and culture 251

Chapter 12 Practical Information 253

Tour operators 253, Red tape 253, Embassies 253, Getting there and away 254, Getting around 255, Media and communications 255

Chapter 13 Brazzaville 257

History 257, Orientation 259, Getting there and around 259, Local tour operators 262, Where to stay 263, Where to eat 267, Entertainment and nightlife 268, Shopping 268, Other practicalities 269, What to see and do 270

Chapter 14 Around Brazzaville 271

Loufoulakari Falls and Bela Falls 271, Lac Bleu and the Gorilla Reserve 271, Lefini Reserve 272, Madingou and Bouenza Falls 273

Chapter 15 The West: Pointe Noire and Dolisie 275

Pointe Noire 275, Around Pointe Noire 287, Dolisie 289, Mossendjo 294, Mbinda 295

Chapter 16 The North 297 Oyo 297, Owando 298, Makoua 299, Parc National d'Odzala (Odzala National Park) 300, Mambili 302, Ouesso 303, Parc National Ndoki-Nouabalé (Nouabalé-Ndoki-National Park) 306, Around Ndoki-Nouabalé 307, Reserve de Lac Tele (Lake Tele Reserve) 308

Appendix 1 Wildlife Guide 311

Appendix 2 Language 322

Appendix 3 Glossary of Names and Acronyms 329

Appendix 4 Further Information 335

Index 342

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